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Wayne Roderick seaside daisy, Erigeron 'WR'
This native daisy can bloom off and on all summer and is more tolerant of the Redding heat.

Plant Description
Plant Type: Perennial herb
Size: 1 ft tall, 1-2 ft wide
Form: Small mounds
Growth Rate: Fast
Flower Color: Lavender, Yellow
Flowering Season: Spring, Summer
Dormancy: Evergreen
Wildlife Supported: Caterpillars, Nectar for Butterflies, and Bees. The seeds are preferred by juncos and finches
Landscaping Information
Sun: Part shade
Moisture: Low to moderate once established
Cold Tolerance: Tolerates cold to 0° F
Soil Drainage: Slow, Medium, Fast
Common Uses: Masses of flower color for mixed borders, rock gardens, containers, or small scale groundcover
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