GPNPN - A California Native Plant Educational Nonprofit
We are a new native plant educational nonprofit centered around an online nursery at the northern end of the California Central Valley in Redding. The nursery is one branch of our nonprofit organization's many other activities. Our purpose is to support California's native plants, their habitats, and ultimately the conservation of our natural resources (water, air, sunlight, soil, plants, and wildlife).

Ghost Pines
Once people become more aware and enthusiastic about planting native plants, and possibly taking out some lawn monoculture, they will have more sources and species of native plants to choose from.
Gardening in Redding, CA - It is not easy gardening in Redding and the surrounding areas with our wet, wet winters and hot, hot dry summers. As I write this, in a couple of days, the forecast is for 120 F. This is in the middle of a 7-10 day stretch above 110 F. A future blog post will address the increasing concerns of record high nighttime low temperatures, which stress plants even more. Our climate-adapted, locally sourced and propagated plants have a better chance than most to successfully grow your gardens and support wildlife in our changing climate.