Leafy California Buckwheat, Eriogonum fasciculatum var. foliolosum
"If only one native plant you would try, this would be the one!” - Las Pilitas Native Plant Nursery

Plant Description
Plant Type: Shrub, Subshrub
Size: 3-5 ft tall, 3-5 ft wide
Growth Habit: Dense, Mounding, Upright
Flower Color: Cream, Pink, White, Red
Flowering Season: Summer
Dormancy: Evergreen, Summer Semi-deciduous
Wildlife Supported: Butterflies, Moths, Caterpillars, Birds, and Bees. Deer Resistant
Landscaping Information
Sun: Full sun
Moisture: Very low once established
Soil Drainage: Fast, Medium, Slow. Adaptable but prefers well-draining soil
Cold Tolerance: Tolerates cold to 15 ° F
Natural Habitat: Dry slopes and canyons, often south-facing. Valley grassland
Common Uses: Bank stabilization. A pioneer plant capable of establishing and flourishing in the hottest and driest sites.