California buckeye, Aesculus californica
Buckeyes loose their leaves early summer, but do not despair, because they leaf out late winter.

Plant Description
Plant Type: Small Tree/Large Shrub
Size: 6-15 ft tall, 10-15 ft wide
Form: Upright, Rounded, Spreading
Growth Rate: Moderate
Dormancy: Summer/Winter Deciduous
Flower: White-creamy, Pale-pink flower panicles. Nicely scented
Flowering Season: Early Spring
Wildlife Supported: Butterflies, Caterpillars, Hummingbirds, Native Bees. Nectar and pollen TOXIC to honeybees
Landscaping Information
Sun: Part Shade, Full Sun
Moisture: Low water once established. Regular water first few years.
Soil Drainage: Medium, Slow. Adaptable, including clay and serpentine
Cold Tolerance: Tolerates cold to -5° F
Natural Habitat: Foothill Woodland. Dry slopes, canyons or near streams
Common Uses: Dry slopes. Hedges.